Phoenix Kai Karate

The Phoenix Kai Karate Origins

Mr. Calvin Jones

From a young age, Calvin Jones immersed himself in a diverse array of martial arts disciplines, including Boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, Karate, and Tae Kwon Do. Since 2008, he has been passionately imparting his knowledge to children, teens, and adults, nurturing their skills and instilling a sense of empowerment. Through relentless dedication, Mr. Jones elevated his abilities both on and off the mat, pushing the boundaries of his training through competition and exploration of unique martial arts locales. In 2014, he expanded his horizons, delving into advanced classes tailored for security enterprises, drawing from his experiences as a Security Guard, Bouncer, and Bodyguard. Renowned for his expertise in handling volatile situations, Mr. Jones has collaborated with Australia's law enforcement agencies and communities, refining his techniques to adapt to everyday challenges. Driven by a deep-rooted desire to give back, he now focuses on empowering individuals with the fundamentals of confidence, self-defense, discipline, fitness, and personal growth. With a wealth of knowledge accumulated over the years, Mr. Jones is committed to offering the public the tools they need to succeed on their chosen path. Through his tireless efforts, he seeks to inspire others to achieve their full potential and thrive in every aspect of life.

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Take Your First Step In to Martial Arts


Glenmore Park
Sydney 2745, AU

About us

Here at PKK we are a family run and proudly owned studio. We teach motivational martial arts for all ages. Teaching students Karate in a family friendly environment. Our lessons are designed to develop skills and abilities in the students to give them the confidence to deal with real life situations.

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Phoenix Kai Karate Glenmore Park

Martial arts Glenmore Park